Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Sample Report.  Jan 3, 2012:  Score 1.5/10

2012 is of course the year that Mayan calendars end, and the supposed year of the apocalypse.  Costco seems to have determined that the time for meager living and rationing is already upon us, and today they dished out some of the most doleful samples one could ever imagine.  There were a grand total of 5 samples today and all of them were incredibly poor.  Clam Chowder, Tilapia, Soy Milk, Chicken Noodle Soup and Kleenex were the samples of the day.  That's four food samples, and one for your runny nose.  Pretty ridiculous.

I'm not crazy about seafood, and Costco seafood is most likely bottom of the barrel when it comes to quality, and I did not even bother with either the Chowder or the Tilapia.  I similarly passed on the soy milk, and I took one bit of my chicken noodle soup only to throw the rest away.  The sample ladies seemed to echo our frustration, as their normally cheery eyes and sunny dispositions had been replaced by somber attitudes and looks of disdain.  I even believe I heard Maricarmen mutter spanish darkly under her tongue, most likely vocalizing her distress at realizing what her life had come to.

These are truly dark times for Costco samples, and prompted me and Kyle to speak about how we would handle a zombie apocalypse.  We both quickly decided that the zombie apocalypse is the most desirable of all of the civilization-ending scenarios, and not only would we survive, but we would thrive.  In fact, both of us concluded that a zombie apocalypse is likely favorable to our current situation.


na said...

I tried reading this but there were no pictures.

Wes Larson said...

It adds to the depressing nature of yesterday's samples.